Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We went to see the movie Tangled this weekend. It was great!  The animation is so realistic. I made this dress for Audrey to wear to the theater.  The dress is an Olabelhe pattern called Phoebe. I just love this pattern.  This is the 3rd dress I have made from it. The possibilities are endless and it is so versatile. I am sure I will be making more.
I have the dress listed on Ebay right now.  It is a custom that I will remake. The one Audrey is wearing we are keeping.  She loves it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pink Fig Design Holiday Giveaway

Pink Fig Design ( my absolute favorite) has a great giveaway going on right now. I love Chelsea's patterns and now she has a fabric line coming out called Miss Modd. You know I will be purchasing and creating something special with it.  So for her holiday giveaway she is giving away two quilts!  They are so beautiful and I would love to win one!  If you also would love to win hop on over to Pink Fig Design and enter.
Here are the 2 quilts you have a chance to win:

This one is so cute and so is her model!

 And this one is so pretty!  I cannot decide which one I like better. I would love to win either one! Thanks Chelsea for the chance to own one of your special creations.